
Helper method for generating an automatically refreshing boto3.session.Session object.


AutoRefreshableSession was not tested for manually passing hard-coded account credentials to the boto3.client object! There is an optional client_kwargs parameter available for doing so, which should work; however, that cannot be guaranteed as that functionality was not tested. Pass hard-coded credentials with the client_kwargs parameter at your own discretion.



Returns a boto3.session.Session object which refreshes automatically, no extra steps required.

class boto3_refresh_session.session.AutoRefreshableSession[source]#

Returns a boto3.session.Session object which refreshes automatically, no extra steps required.

This object is useful for long-running processes where temporary credentials may expire.


AWS region name.


AWS role ARN.


Name for session.

defer_refreshbool, optional

If True then temporary credentials are not automatically refreshed until they are explicitly needed. If False then temporary credentials refresh immediately upon expiration. Default is True.

ttlint, optional

Number of seconds until temporary credentials expire. Must be greater than or equal to 900 seconds. Default is 900.

session_kwargsdict, optional

Optional keyword arguments for boto3.session.Session.

client_kwargsdict, optional

Optional keyword arguments for boto3.client.



Returns a boto3.session.Session object with credentials which refresh automatically.


Check the authorization documentation for additional information concerning how to authorize access to AWS.

The default defer_refresh parameter value results in temporary credentials not being refreshed until they are explicitly requested; that is more efficient than refreshing expired temporary credentials automatically after they expire.


Here’s how to initialize this object:

>>> sess = brs.AutoRefreshableSession(
>>>   region="us-east-1",
>>>   role_arn="<your-arn>",
>>>   session_name="test",
>>> )
>>> s3_client = sess.session.client(service_name="s3")