

AutoRefreshableSession was not tested for manually passing hard-coded account credentials to the boto3.session.Session or boto3.client objects! There are optional session_kwargs and client_kwargs parameters available for passing hard-coded account credentials, which should work; however, that cannot be guaranteed! In any case, the boto3 documentation generally recommends against passing hard-coded account credentials as parameters; it is for that reason the documentation below, and everywhere else, only mentions ~/.aws/config and ~/.aws/credentials for authorization. Since the session_kwargs and client_kwargs parameters were not tested, you will need to use those parameters at your own discretion.

In order to use this package, it is recommended that you follow one of the below methods for authorizing access to your AWS instance:

  • Create local environment variables containing your credentials, e.g. ACCESS_KEY, SECRET_KEY, and SESSION_TOKEN.

  • Create a shared credentials file, i.e. ~/.aws/credentials.

  • Create an AWS config file, i.e. ~/.aws/config.

For additional details concerning how to authorize access, check the boto3 documentation.

For additional details concerning how to configure an AWS credentials file on your machine, check the AWS CLI documentation.